Enea Euro TSC
The titular sponsor of the May competition at the „Golecin” stadium will be Enea Group – the vice-leader of the Polish electricity market in the field of electricity production. Manages the full value chain in the electricity market: from fuel, through production, distribution, sales and customer service.
Enea has been supporting sport for many years – both professional and youth. It is the title sponsor of, among others, volleyball and basketball teams in north-west Poland, speedway competitions and the largest triathlon events. Sports education of children is promoted under the „Enea Akademia Sportu” project.
It is also a sponsor of the Polish Association of Rowing Societies and the Polish Table Tennis Association. The ambassador of the brand is Natalia Partyka, a titled table tennis player and multiple participant in the Olympic Games and a paralympic medalist.
Poznan - city know how
Located in western Poland, on the Warta River, the city of Poznan is the historic capital of Greater Poland. As a center of political life, it is one of the first Polish cities noted in the pages of history. Its origins date back to the 10th century, and the name Poznan derives from the old Polish male name Poznan or Poznamir. There are 5 Greater Poland Uprisings connected with Poznan: from 1794, 1806, 1846, 1848 and in the years 1918-1919. Two of them (from 1806 and 1918-19) ended with the Polish victory.
Today, Poznan is the fifth largest city in Poland (532,048 inhabitants in December 2020) and the eighth largest city (261.9 km²). In the rankings, it often ranks among the leading cities with a very high quality of education and a very high standard of living. It also ranks high in terms of the safety and quality of healthcare.
The city is an important road and rail junction, and there is also the Poznań-Ławica international airport. Moreover, it is a highly developed center of industry, trade, tourism, as well as an academic, scientific and cultural center.
Poznan also occupies an important place on the sports map of our country. Numerous international and national sports events are organized in the capital of the voivodeship. The Malta Regatta Track in Poznan regularly hosts World Cup, European and World Championships in rowing and canoeing. The ATP Poznan Open tennis tournament is also held annually, and the Poznan Marathon is one of the most popular races of this type in our country. Sport in Poznan also includes Tor Poznan and the football teams of Lech and Warta, which play in the league. Ten years ago, the city was one of the hosts of the Euro 2012 finals. In turn, in 1991, the World Pairs Championship on speedway was hosted here.

Arena Lodowa Tomaszów Mazowiecki
Arena Lodowa Tomaszów Mazowiecki to pierwszy w Polsce zadaszony obiekt, który posiada tor lodowy i jest przystosowany do organizowania zawodów sportowych różnej rangi. Na co dzień służy przede wszystkim do uprawiania łyżwiarstwa szybkiego i short-tracku. Żużlowcy zawitają tam po raz pierwszy.
Kubatura obiektu wynosi 292 000 m³. Na tej przestrzeni znajduje się pełnowymiarowy, 400-metrowy tor o szerokości 12 metrów. Wzdłuż jego prostych, po obu stronach, rozpościerają się trybuny, które w sumie pomieszczą 2500 kibiców.
Hala ma cztery strefy mrożenia lodu, nowoczesny system nagłośnienia i oświetlenia spełniającym standard transmisji HD.